How to Study Spanish Part 1: Books for Spanish Class & other Materials

Following on from the introduction to learning a language, we’re going to go over some of the materials. Some of the most important tools are of course your books for Spanish class as well as additional supplementary books and materials. If you are already enrolled in a course, chances are you will have already been prescribed a book (or books), but what about your work outside of class time? One of the most important things to buy is an extra grammar book and an exercise book. You might be lucky enough to find one with both of these components, or you might have to buy them separately. How do you choose? Dos Mundos is pretty good. Try some other ones. Open them up and if they look like they will do the job then they probably will. Ideally, there will be answers in the back so you can check your work, although it’s no massive drama if there aren’t.

books for spanish class

Books for Spanish class

How many books should you buy? Well, the simple answer is that you should be prepared to buy several over the course of your language-learning journey. Once you’ve finished one, you may as well start on another….and another….and so it continues. It’s unlikely that one book will get you to the level you ideally see yourself at when you can speak Spanish.


If there are two important messages that you should take from this blog entry, they are that while some books are better than others, the type of books that you have are not hugely important. The most important thing is that you spend less time thinking about which type of book to get, and more time on investing in time spent going over the exercises in the book. Additionally, one book will not solve all your problems. The process of working through the materials and then repeating again with different materials is one aspect of a positive and progressive attitude towards learning Spanish. Stay tuned for a further overview of some of the materials you can use to improve your language skills!